A Empresa - Terminais de Distribuição

Distribution Terminals

Cimentos Liz has, along with its plant in Vespasiano (MG), four distribution terminals located at strategic points in the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

With modern equipment and a team of qualified professionals, its terminals are located in the cities of São Paulo, Santa Bárbara d’Oeste, São José do Rio Preto, in the state of São Paulo and the Mesquita terminal in the state of Rio de Janeiro. These terminals are supplied by means of road and rail networks.

São Paulo Terminal

With the increasing expansion of the civil construction market, Empresa de Cimentos Liz has been monitoring the situation and investing heavily in the construction of its largest terminal: the São Paulo Terminal. Covering an area of over 5,000 m2, the São Paulo Terminal entered into operation on April 26, 1976.

Santa Bárbara d´Oeste Terminal

The Santa Bárbara d’Oeste Terminal was founded in August of 2006 and is located in the Industrial District, 130 km from the city of São Paulo.

São José do Rio Preto Terminal

As the market was growing, Empresa de Cimentos Liz kept pace and on May 17, 1984, inaugurated the São José do Rio Preto Terminal in Vila Toninho, 454 km from the city of São Paulo.

Mesquita Terminal

The Mesquita Terminal was founded on April 18, 1997 and is located in the Rocha Sobrinho district of the city of Mesquita, 30 km from the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Railway Transport

Since it was established, Empresa de Cimentos Liz has always been concerned with issues related to the Environment and with producing a quality product at accessible prices, a fact which has led the company to invest in railway transportation.

Atualmente, a empresa possui 98 vagões, cada um com capacidade para transportar 71 toneladas de cimento durante as 24 horas do dia. A frota de vagões da Empresa de Cimentos Liz cruza o estado mineiro e transporta de forma segura e com qualidade os cimentos Liz para o terminal de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro.

All cargo transportation is performed by a highly trained and specialized team, which strictly follows the standards established in the Worker Health and Safety Technical Norm.

Highway Transport

The constant growth in the civil construction market in Brazil demands that Empresa de Cimentos Liz also invest in highway transportation. In order to meet market demand, the company has acquired 53 silo trucks and 46 dry load trailers.


  • São Paulo - Rua Japichaua, 185 - Ermelindo Matarazzo - São Paulo (SP) - CEP.: 03813-310
    Cep.: 03813-310
  • Santa Bárbara d'Oeste - Rua Luíz Suzigan, 740 - Distrito Industrial - Santa Bárbarra d'Oeste(SP) - CEP.: 13456-165
  • São Jóse do Rio Preto - Alfredo Folchini, 1852 - Vila Toninho - São José do Rio Preto (SP) - CEP.: 15081-500
  • Mesquita - Rua Paulo de Frontin, 1555 - Bairro Rocha Sobrinho - Mesquita (RJ)